? ??????????????It's A Boy (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??3 Grabs Today. 1414 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Baby Phat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 2425 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

2 Months....

Sadly I have misplaced my camera charger and I am currently charging Richy's camera so I can have pictures to come later. It is crazy that my baby boy is 2 months old! He is doing so many things now and everyday is so exciting! He smiles all the time, laughs out loud, he is always making some noise, he started sleeping about 7-8 hours at night (thank you Jesus!), he holds his head up great and he is just getting so big! I started putting away clothes that he doesn't fit into anymore and it is bittersweet. I love that he is doing a lot more now, but it makes me sad to think that he is such a big boy now (and is only getting bigger). I also went back to work a week ago. Richy's mom is keeping Luke and is doing an amazing job. She takes such good care of him and I am so thankful that she is able to keep him. As for me...I have only had a few breakdowns and by the end of the week I was much better. It also helps that after I worked a week I got a week off for fall break! It helps knowing too, that the person he is staying with is giving him plenty of love and doing a great job. The only thing that is kinda stinky right now is his stuffy nose, but with the weather change and all the other stuff going on I think it is almost unavoidable. Well hopefully I will get pictures up soon!

Monday, October 5, 2009

2009 Fall Homeshow

Luke at his first Homeshow
Richy's booth (everyone loved the shower)

so proud!

Richy recently had a booth in the Homeshow. He has made several contacts through this and hopefully will get several jobs. His booth looked really good and got alot of attention. I am so proud of him!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

County Fair

Luke rode in this....
Richy looked at this....

Luke loved this....

Luke left in this.....

Luke had a blast with her....

I have always loved the County Fair. When I saw the signs go up a few weeks ago I knew that I wanted to take Luke. I know that he is only 6 weeks old but it is something that I love and want to make sure that he goes to every year. We were fortunate enough to get a parking pass and park right inside the fair. This was very helpful since halfway through we had to take a trip to the truck for some lunch for Luke. In years to come we will probably ride the bus so we get the whole experience of the fair. We went with Chris and Katie and I was so glad they were there for Luke's first trip to the fair! Overall it was so much fun and I can't wait to share this with Luke and Richy for years to come!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Luke is ONE MONTH!

This post is actually a little late but Luke turned one month old Friday the 18th. He is so precious and is getting so big! I weighed him on my scale at home and I think that he weighs around 9.6 lbs. He is still nursing great. His sleeping schedule is about the same. He wakes around 2:30 or 3 and then again around 6 or 7. I'm sleepy but I am definitely not complaining. I have to go back to work in a few weeks which I am not excited about but I gotta do it. My mom has been in the hospital so I have been leaving Luke with Richy's mom. I hate that my mom is in the hospital, but this has helped me get use to leaving Luke. We are enjoying life with our little man!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Luke is 3 Weeks Old!

Luke loves when daddy gives him kisses!
Hey Mom!

I love my seat! Thank you Aunt Katie!

I am going to try to take his picture with this giraffe so we can see how he grows!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

We are SO IN LOVE!

At 2 weeks Luke is....eating (still nursing and we are both doing very well with it)....sleeping (he feeds around 11:00 pm and sleeps til 2 am then sleeps til 7:30 am)...pooping (no need for explanation)....and stealing our hearts with every smile!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Baby Luke is HERE!

Luke arrived Tuesday August 18 at 7:08 p.m. He weighed 8lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long. I was scheduled to go in for an induction Tuesday August 18 at 8:00 p.m., however I was awoken by my water breaking at 5:00 Tuesday morning. Luke just didn't want to wait til that evening! I have to say that I am so thankful that I had the experience of going into labor on my own. We arrived at the hospital at 7:00 a.m. I was only 2cm when I arrived so they started pitocin and the contractions started coming! At 3 cm and around noon I was able to get my epidural. That was very painful but I would let them stick me 10 times before I would feel contractions any stronger than the ones I was feeling. After I got my epidural it was smooth sailing from there. I felt like I was sitting in a hot bath for the next several hours. I had not been that comfortable in several months. I was progressing very slowly so they continued to turn up the pitocin and around 5:30 I was finally at 9cm. I went from 9cm to 10cm in about 15 minutes and then I started pushing. Richy was a great coach during this time. There were several contractions that I pushed through that Richy was the only one helping me and coaching me. The nurses were busy getting everything ready so it was up to Richy and I to push through them. I don't know what I would have done without Richy being there. He was such an amazing encourager and I am so thankful for him. I pushed for roughly 50 minutes and then I gave birth to the most amazing little boy in the whole world ( I'm not partial at all). When Luke was born the cord was wrapped around his neck so this caused a few complications in the beginning. The Lord had his hand upon my little boy because as soon as Richy started praying for him he stared improving and did not have to go to the special care nursery. After everything was cleaned up and Luke was doing well Richy was able to give Luke his first bath. It was great watching Richy care for his little boy. After the bath then Luke ate for the first time. I am breastfeeding and he latched on right away and has been a great eater every since. We allowed the visitors to come in after he ate and that was so great. I loved watching the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and great grandparents love on our sweet Luke. I can't find words to describe that day. All I know is that I am so glad to finally have Luke here with us!

Friday, August 14, 2009

38 Weeks 4 Days Appointment

Today was our last appt. to see Dr. Childs pre-baby. That is crazy to say and even harder to wrap my mind around. The appointment started off the same way except I was having some pretty strong contractions when I got there and had been having them all morning. I was weighed and I didn't gain any weight from the last week (yay). My blood pressure was down from the previous week (136/72) and Luke's heartbeat was in the 150's. Dr. Child's came in and I told him that I had been having some strong contractions and I also reminded him that two weeks ago that he said if we got to this point then we would check Luke's weight to see if he was still measuring big. He told me that he would hook me up to the monitors to monitor my contractions and that we may not need to check his weight because I may be having a baby. He said that I have been measuring two weeks ahead so he wanted to get me to 38.5 weeks and then we would make decisions from there. I was on the monitors for about 30 minutes and I had several strong contractions and then they started to slow down. Kay came in to check on me and said well. Let's have you come in Sunday night at midnight and we will have a baby on Monday. (that's if he doesn't come on his own between now and then) Well we are not going in on Sunday because of scheduling at the hospital but we are going in Tuesday night at 8 pm. I am in a daze I feel like. I am so excited and cannot wait but it is crazy to have a day that my baby will be here and the craziest part is it is less than a week away. I keep thinking of everything that I need to do before our lives our changed (for the better!) forever!

Friday, August 7, 2009

37 Weeks 4 Days

I went to the doctor yesterday for our weekly visit. I was weighed, had my blood pressure taken (146/82), and then was put into a room. My blood pressure was higher than what it has been, but Dr. Childs was not concerned. He checked me and I was dilated to 2 cm. That's only 1/2 cm more than last week, but it is still progress. He also said that Luke's head was further down than it was last time. Before leaving the room Dr. Childs gave me a note that said, "call Dr. Childs." This was the highlight of my appointment because now if I do go into labor the nurse at the hospital will call him to ensure that he will be the one to deliver.

General Update:

  • Richy is a nervous wreck! I would never laugh at him where he could see but it is so funny. He is more forgetful than ever (scary....I know) and he is constantly checking on me. I didn't answer the phone the other day because I was in the basement doing laundry and by the time that I made it back upstairs to check my phone he had his mom on the way over to check on me. He also called me today and said, "you need to have the baby!" I asked why and he said, "I can't think strait. I got out the truck today without putting it into park!" Thankfully there was a curb in front of the truck that kept it from going very far. So pray for Richy that he can keep it together!
  • I have been having contractions pretty much everyday. Last Sunday I had them for several hours but they were not ever consistent. They kept ranging from 4 to 12 minutes, and at 2:30 Monday morning (the morning that I had to go back to work) they stopped and I finally fell asleep.
  • Today (Friday) was my last "official" day of work til October 12. It is so weird to think that the next time I go back to work I will be a mom.

Monday, July 27, 2009

36 Weeks 1 Day

Today we had a doctors appt with an ultrasound. We had our ultrasound first. It was so neat to see how much he has grown. He was so sweet and I loved seeing him. He even stuck his tongue out at us. We had a ultrasound today to see how big he was and boy was he big...the lady said he was 7lbs 8 oz. Now that isn't always an exact measurement but still that is big for still having 26 days left! After the ultrasound we did the normal visit. Weight..still going up...Blood pressure (116/78) and then my first "check." I am actually 1 1/2 cent. dilated. I didn't think that I would be any and that still isn't a lot but I was excited when he said that I had started making progress. He also said I am thinning out. I also had my group B strep test and I will find out those results in a few days. Overall it was a great appointment. I still can't believe it is getting so close!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

One Month!

I just thought I would post to say that today is July 23. Luke is due August 23. That means I will most likely be having a baby within the month. As much as I am ready to hold my baby, I can't help but think where has this 9 months gone? There have been a few times that it has felt like it has crept by but when I look at the big picture it truly has gone by so fast. I love being pregnant and I am so thankful that God trusted me with this responsibility. I love feeling him move and hearing his heart beat. (now there are some things that haven't been so pleasant, but when he moves or I think about what he is going to look like and be like all the unpleasant things seem to fade) I woke up this morning and started thinking of all the things that I have left to do and clean. It kinda put me in a panic but I know it will all work out. Keep us in your prayers as we are getting close!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Lucy!

Fanning the smoke from the 21 candles
the family

mamaw's homemade cake...love it!

the birthday girl!

My sister turned 21 on July 6. I am a little late posting pictures, but these are the ones that I got at my mamaw's behind the table that we have been taking pictures behind for as long as I can remember!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Last Friday Richy had to say goodbye to a great friend! Well.....not exactly a friend, but one of his favorite toys! This was Richy's rhino that he loved to ride. It would go through mud and climb rocks and do all kinds of crazy manly things! (I only rode it once because I feared my life when riding.) He decided that he didn't get to ride as often as he liked and if he sold it it would be a payment we could eliminate. I know that most of the ladies have no clue what this is or care anything about it but I figured I should say farewell to Richy's favorite toy! So..goodbye RHINO!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Camping...Mini Redneck Vacation!

Me in the pool :)
the camper

my mom


My mom had a few days off and since I was told not to travel in the month of July we decided to have a mini vacation at Chester Frost Park! My grandfather has a nice camper and we have used it many times and every time we camp there are times where I think...really...are we that redneck! One of those times during this trip was when I was sitting in a blowup swimming pool..alone... and in front of a huge camper. It was so hot out and at this point the only way I enjoy being outside is to be in the water, and since I refuse to get in the lake while I am pregnant, the only other option was the blow up pool. It may have looked pretty funny but I stayed cool and worked on my tan!

Luke's Finished Room

The view when entering the room
Canvas art that matches bedding
the changing table

The bed view like before...except this time I have the name hung! (it is a side view so the name looks crooked!)

I finally completely finished Luke's room. This included hanging art on the wall, hanging his name on the wall, and hanging the changing caddy on the wall. I also took several things out of his room that he will not be needing for several months. Now all we need is LUKE!

Monday, July 13, 2009

34 Weeks 2 Days Appt.

Today I went to the doctor. It was a very fast trip and everything is still going well. The appointment went as follows......

First...Weight ( not sharing that with you)

Second...Blood Pressure (120/68)

Next.....Luke's heartbeat (140's)

Last...Q& A Time...I didn't really have any questions for Dr. Childs this week however, when he asked how I was doing I told him my back was hurting a lot. He told me to stand up and he showed me how Richy could stretch my back for me.He lifted me up and my back popped so many times (who knew my OB was also a Chiropractor). I felt 100% better for a while. Sadly, that only lasted a couple of hours and it started to hurt again. On the plus side I can have Richy do what Dr. Childs did and hopefully I will be much better! I go back in 2 weeks and they will do my Group B Step Test and we will have an ultrasound to see how big the baby is. Time is flying by! It won't be much longer!

Oh..I almost forgot! Luke's room is completely finished! YAY! I will post pictures soon!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Update on Doctor's Visits

I have actually had two appointments since I last blogged...I have really been a slacker! Luckily both appointments went the same way. I walk in, give a "specimen", I am weighed, blood pressure, hear the heart beat (my favorite part), Dr.Child's measures me, he ask if I have questions, we normally have a crazy random conversation because he is silly like that, and then I leave. At my 30 week appointment I had some questions about not being able to breathe and Dr. Child's reassured me that I will breathe and gave me some tips on things to do to make it easier. The heart beat at that appointment was in the 140. It was funny because every time the nurse would touch my stomach with the doppler Luke would move or give her a big kick. She said, " oh honey, your gonna be in trouble in a few weeks." I thought that was funny because he does it ALL the time and I love it so it won't be any trouble. At my 32 week appt. everything was still great. I didn't ask the heartbeat Dr. Childs just said it sounded great. When he measured my stomach he said right on schedule. My blood pressure this week was 112 over 70. This week I really didn't have any questions because I have been feeling pretty good. I still can't breathe however and my back hurts but those are both just things that come along with growing my Luke. So both appointments were pretty routine. I thank the lord everyday for this pregnancy and the way that he has held it in his hands! He has truly kept us and watched over us and I feel so blessed!

Luke's Room...Work in Progress

Luke's wardrobe
bed and bedding
Richy painting

finished painting

process of painting

I am proud to say that we are almost done with Luke's room. Honestly...if he were to come now we would be ready, however his name is not on the wall and his art pieces aren't hung so it is not "complete." This room has definitely been a work in progress and it is so sweet to walk in and think that in a few short weeks my sweet baby boy will be ready to see it for the first time!

Here is the break down of the progress....

Spring Break: cleaned out room and closet
Memorial Day: Painted
May 30: Richy and his friend Derek put furniture together
June: Organized,washed, and put items away
I will post pictures when it is ALL finished!

Shower Times 2!

Mom and her girls...wait...Luke too!
Lindsay and me

Candace and Max

All the girls...best picture I had...

A joke gift for Luke when he is older!

Baby Crocs...so sweet!

All the ladies at my Aunt Carol's

Sweet Cake with a cute baby!

I have had two more showers since my last post. My mom's good friend from work and another one of her good friends threw a shower on June 20. It was a small group of amazing women and I had the best time! They always pay attention to so much detail and I love when they throw a party! Luke is going to be so lucky to have an Aunt Carol and Aunt Brenda! My next shower was on June 27 and it was at the church. This shower was thrown by my best friends Brittney and Courtney. So many wonderful people came and blessed us. I had a great time. That shower was also very special to me because my best friend from high school came and brought her little boy!