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Monday, July 13, 2009

34 Weeks 2 Days Appt.

Today I went to the doctor. It was a very fast trip and everything is still going well. The appointment went as follows......

First...Weight ( not sharing that with you)

Second...Blood Pressure (120/68)

Next.....Luke's heartbeat (140's)

Last...Q& A Time...I didn't really have any questions for Dr. Childs this week however, when he asked how I was doing I told him my back was hurting a lot. He told me to stand up and he showed me how Richy could stretch my back for me.He lifted me up and my back popped so many times (who knew my OB was also a Chiropractor). I felt 100% better for a while. Sadly, that only lasted a couple of hours and it started to hurt again. On the plus side I can have Richy do what Dr. Childs did and hopefully I will be much better! I go back in 2 weeks and they will do my Group B Step Test and we will have an ultrasound to see how big the baby is. Time is flying by! It won't be much longer!

Oh..I almost forgot! Luke's room is completely finished! YAY! I will post pictures soon!


Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

Can't wait to hear how big Luke is and see his room! You gotta keep us foreigners up to date lol. Miss you!

The Sandefurs said...

Hey! Just got your msg. on FB. I can't get on FB when I'm at work, so I thought I would leave you a comment here. I have been known to come in to take care of my friends even on my off days :), depending on childcare situation, etc. so send me a text or something! Keep me posted. If nothing else, I will hand-pick your nurse if I can't be there, how's that??!!

Love you guys and can't wait to meet Luke!

PS What's his middle name?? Tell me it's Christian! Ha!