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Thursday, July 23, 2009

One Month!

I just thought I would post to say that today is July 23. Luke is due August 23. That means I will most likely be having a baby within the month. As much as I am ready to hold my baby, I can't help but think where has this 9 months gone? There have been a few times that it has felt like it has crept by but when I look at the big picture it truly has gone by so fast. I love being pregnant and I am so thankful that God trusted me with this responsibility. I love feeling him move and hearing his heart beat. (now there are some things that haven't been so pleasant, but when he moves or I think about what he is going to look like and be like all the unpleasant things seem to fade) I woke up this morning and started thinking of all the things that I have left to do and clean. It kinda put me in a panic but I know it will all work out. Keep us in your prayers as we are getting close!


CaseyPike said...

I can't wait to meet him! Your going to do great!

Claire said...

I can't believe the end is almost here. There's so much that is unknown to you now, but trust me when I say that you are about to do what will be the best thing you have ever done! Giving birth to your babies is an amazing experience. Beyond that, being a mother is something that cannot be described, only lived. You will do great with both. We love you and Richy and pray for you in your new roles.