? ??????????????It's A Boy (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??3 Grabs Today. 1414 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Baby Phat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 2425 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Richy and I celebrated Valentines Day Saturday night. Richy planned a dinner a The Back End Cafe. This dinner was 7 courses and very fancy. We then went to see Valentines Day. We arrived a few minutes late and ended up sitting on the second row. It was an okay movie. I thought it would have been better considering all the people that were in it. It was nice spending time with just Rich! Luke had his first sleepover Saturday night. He stayed with my mom and Kel. He had a blast and I think they did too. I thought that I would get all kinds of sleep and be so rested but I woke up every hour. I guess you get use to having your little boy there and when he is gone its different. Sunday (the real Valentines Day) we went to church and kept the nursery. We decided to just come home afterwards and we had a lazy day. It was great! We took two naps, watched the Olympics, and tried out Luke's high chair for the first time. I can't think of another way I would have wanted to spend Luke's first Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

WOW...It has been way too long!

I have really put this blog on the back burner and there is not the time to catch up....plus you would have to read on and on and on. So I have decided that I am going to just list somethings that are going on with us.

- Luke is 5 months.He sits up (well he is still a little wobbly but he is getting there), he rolls from one end of the living room to the other, he says DADA all the time, he sleeps on average from 8:30-6 in his crib, he eats one meal a day of baby food (he LOVES sweet potatoes), his other meals consist of 8 oz. of formula (sensitive subject), and he melts my heart with every grin! Richy and I are so in love and I can't even imagine what life would be like with out his big squishy cheeks and his perfect smile!
-Richy is working hard as ever trying to make sure he has work during this tough time with our economy. I am so proud of him and the way he constantly works to make sure Luke and I are taken care of. He isn't spending much time with his hobbies because he is working and spending time with Luke and I. He has lost all of his baby weight ( the weight he gained while I was pregnant and more) and I am afraid he is about to get my booty into the gym and work on getting our high school bodies back...haha.

-As for me I am still teaching 1st grade by day and loving on my boys by night. My job is really challenging this year and I am unsure if it is because I have different priorities at home now or if it really is challenging. I am having a hard time spending 7 hours a day with 20 kids that aren't mine and then only spending 3 hours with my child. However, it is what I have to do to make sure our family has food on the table and health insurance. I had to stop nursing Luke because I wasn't getting the opportunities at work to pump and I fell behind and couldn't keep up. I think this has been the hardest thing I have had to deal with since becoming a mom. I truly loved nursing Luke and it was very hard to stop. I am working on getting off the last few pounds of baby weight and the weight I put on before I got pregnant. Hopefully by the end of May I will be one hot mama...haha.

Hopefully I won't wait so long next time between posts but it is VERY hard to squeeze blogging in when I have lesson plans to write, parent letters to type, and a sweet boy to love on!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

2 Months....

Sadly I have misplaced my camera charger and I am currently charging Richy's camera so I can have pictures to come later. It is crazy that my baby boy is 2 months old! He is doing so many things now and everyday is so exciting! He smiles all the time, laughs out loud, he is always making some noise, he started sleeping about 7-8 hours at night (thank you Jesus!), he holds his head up great and he is just getting so big! I started putting away clothes that he doesn't fit into anymore and it is bittersweet. I love that he is doing a lot more now, but it makes me sad to think that he is such a big boy now (and is only getting bigger). I also went back to work a week ago. Richy's mom is keeping Luke and is doing an amazing job. She takes such good care of him and I am so thankful that she is able to keep him. As for me...I have only had a few breakdowns and by the end of the week I was much better. It also helps that after I worked a week I got a week off for fall break! It helps knowing too, that the person he is staying with is giving him plenty of love and doing a great job. The only thing that is kinda stinky right now is his stuffy nose, but with the weather change and all the other stuff going on I think it is almost unavoidable. Well hopefully I will get pictures up soon!

Monday, October 5, 2009

2009 Fall Homeshow

Luke at his first Homeshow
Richy's booth (everyone loved the shower)

so proud!

Richy recently had a booth in the Homeshow. He has made several contacts through this and hopefully will get several jobs. His booth looked really good and got alot of attention. I am so proud of him!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

County Fair

Luke rode in this....
Richy looked at this....

Luke loved this....

Luke left in this.....

Luke had a blast with her....

I have always loved the County Fair. When I saw the signs go up a few weeks ago I knew that I wanted to take Luke. I know that he is only 6 weeks old but it is something that I love and want to make sure that he goes to every year. We were fortunate enough to get a parking pass and park right inside the fair. This was very helpful since halfway through we had to take a trip to the truck for some lunch for Luke. In years to come we will probably ride the bus so we get the whole experience of the fair. We went with Chris and Katie and I was so glad they were there for Luke's first trip to the fair! Overall it was so much fun and I can't wait to share this with Luke and Richy for years to come!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Luke is ONE MONTH!

This post is actually a little late but Luke turned one month old Friday the 18th. He is so precious and is getting so big! I weighed him on my scale at home and I think that he weighs around 9.6 lbs. He is still nursing great. His sleeping schedule is about the same. He wakes around 2:30 or 3 and then again around 6 or 7. I'm sleepy but I am definitely not complaining. I have to go back to work in a few weeks which I am not excited about but I gotta do it. My mom has been in the hospital so I have been leaving Luke with Richy's mom. I hate that my mom is in the hospital, but this has helped me get use to leaving Luke. We are enjoying life with our little man!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Luke is 3 Weeks Old!

Luke loves when daddy gives him kisses!
Hey Mom!

I love my seat! Thank you Aunt Katie!

I am going to try to take his picture with this giraffe so we can see how he grows!