? ??????????????It's A Boy (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??3 Grabs Today. 1414 Total Grabs. ???
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Monday, June 29, 2009

Update on Doctor's Visits

I have actually had two appointments since I last blogged...I have really been a slacker! Luckily both appointments went the same way. I walk in, give a "specimen", I am weighed, blood pressure, hear the heart beat (my favorite part), Dr.Child's measures me, he ask if I have questions, we normally have a crazy random conversation because he is silly like that, and then I leave. At my 30 week appointment I had some questions about not being able to breathe and Dr. Child's reassured me that I will breathe and gave me some tips on things to do to make it easier. The heart beat at that appointment was in the 140. It was funny because every time the nurse would touch my stomach with the doppler Luke would move or give her a big kick. She said, " oh honey, your gonna be in trouble in a few weeks." I thought that was funny because he does it ALL the time and I love it so it won't be any trouble. At my 32 week appt. everything was still great. I didn't ask the heartbeat Dr. Childs just said it sounded great. When he measured my stomach he said right on schedule. My blood pressure this week was 112 over 70. This week I really didn't have any questions because I have been feeling pretty good. I still can't breathe however and my back hurts but those are both just things that come along with growing my Luke. So both appointments were pretty routine. I thank the lord everyday for this pregnancy and the way that he has held it in his hands! He has truly kept us and watched over us and I feel so blessed!