? ??????????????It's A Boy (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??3 Grabs Today. 1414 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Baby Phat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 2425 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, August 7, 2009

37 Weeks 4 Days

I went to the doctor yesterday for our weekly visit. I was weighed, had my blood pressure taken (146/82), and then was put into a room. My blood pressure was higher than what it has been, but Dr. Childs was not concerned. He checked me and I was dilated to 2 cm. That's only 1/2 cm more than last week, but it is still progress. He also said that Luke's head was further down than it was last time. Before leaving the room Dr. Childs gave me a note that said, "call Dr. Childs." This was the highlight of my appointment because now if I do go into labor the nurse at the hospital will call him to ensure that he will be the one to deliver.

General Update:

  • Richy is a nervous wreck! I would never laugh at him where he could see but it is so funny. He is more forgetful than ever (scary....I know) and he is constantly checking on me. I didn't answer the phone the other day because I was in the basement doing laundry and by the time that I made it back upstairs to check my phone he had his mom on the way over to check on me. He also called me today and said, "you need to have the baby!" I asked why and he said, "I can't think strait. I got out the truck today without putting it into park!" Thankfully there was a curb in front of the truck that kept it from going very far. So pray for Richy that he can keep it together!
  • I have been having contractions pretty much everyday. Last Sunday I had them for several hours but they were not ever consistent. They kept ranging from 4 to 12 minutes, and at 2:30 Monday morning (the morning that I had to go back to work) they stopped and I finally fell asleep.
  • Today (Friday) was my last "official" day of work til October 12. It is so weird to think that the next time I go back to work I will be a mom.


The Sandefurs said...

Oh, girl. Please don't have that baby while I am on vacation!! I will be so sad! You've got to have him next week! Even if I am on vacation, still text me and keep me posted, even if it's the middle of the night. I will start keeping my phone on and taking it to bed with me.

And YEAH for your note!!! If I can't be there, I will make sure I hand pick your nurse for ya, how's that?

Love you and think of you all the time!

Poor Richy...bless his heart...

Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

I was so wrong... I just knew Luke was coming this weekend! Oh well he will come soon enough!
Miss you!