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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Baby Luke is HERE!

Luke arrived Tuesday August 18 at 7:08 p.m. He weighed 8lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long. I was scheduled to go in for an induction Tuesday August 18 at 8:00 p.m., however I was awoken by my water breaking at 5:00 Tuesday morning. Luke just didn't want to wait til that evening! I have to say that I am so thankful that I had the experience of going into labor on my own. We arrived at the hospital at 7:00 a.m. I was only 2cm when I arrived so they started pitocin and the contractions started coming! At 3 cm and around noon I was able to get my epidural. That was very painful but I would let them stick me 10 times before I would feel contractions any stronger than the ones I was feeling. After I got my epidural it was smooth sailing from there. I felt like I was sitting in a hot bath for the next several hours. I had not been that comfortable in several months. I was progressing very slowly so they continued to turn up the pitocin and around 5:30 I was finally at 9cm. I went from 9cm to 10cm in about 15 minutes and then I started pushing. Richy was a great coach during this time. There were several contractions that I pushed through that Richy was the only one helping me and coaching me. The nurses were busy getting everything ready so it was up to Richy and I to push through them. I don't know what I would have done without Richy being there. He was such an amazing encourager and I am so thankful for him. I pushed for roughly 50 minutes and then I gave birth to the most amazing little boy in the whole world ( I'm not partial at all). When Luke was born the cord was wrapped around his neck so this caused a few complications in the beginning. The Lord had his hand upon my little boy because as soon as Richy started praying for him he stared improving and did not have to go to the special care nursery. After everything was cleaned up and Luke was doing well Richy was able to give Luke his first bath. It was great watching Richy care for his little boy. After the bath then Luke ate for the first time. I am breastfeeding and he latched on right away and has been a great eater every since. We allowed the visitors to come in after he ate and that was so great. I loved watching the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and great grandparents love on our sweet Luke. I can't find words to describe that day. All I know is that I am so glad to finally have Luke here with us!


V-n-J said...

He is absolutely beautiful. what a sweet little face. We're so happy for you guys and look forward to meeting. Glad breastfeeding is going well for you too.