? ??????????????It's A Boy (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??3 Grabs Today. 1414 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Baby Phat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 2425 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, July 27, 2009

36 Weeks 1 Day

Today we had a doctors appt with an ultrasound. We had our ultrasound first. It was so neat to see how much he has grown. He was so sweet and I loved seeing him. He even stuck his tongue out at us. We had a ultrasound today to see how big he was and boy was he big...the lady said he was 7lbs 8 oz. Now that isn't always an exact measurement but still that is big for still having 26 days left! After the ultrasound we did the normal visit. Weight..still going up...Blood pressure (116/78) and then my first "check." I am actually 1 1/2 cent. dilated. I didn't think that I would be any and that still isn't a lot but I was excited when he said that I had started making progress. He also said I am thinning out. I also had my group B strep test and I will find out those results in a few days. Overall it was a great appointment. I still can't believe it is getting so close!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

One Month!

I just thought I would post to say that today is July 23. Luke is due August 23. That means I will most likely be having a baby within the month. As much as I am ready to hold my baby, I can't help but think where has this 9 months gone? There have been a few times that it has felt like it has crept by but when I look at the big picture it truly has gone by so fast. I love being pregnant and I am so thankful that God trusted me with this responsibility. I love feeling him move and hearing his heart beat. (now there are some things that haven't been so pleasant, but when he moves or I think about what he is going to look like and be like all the unpleasant things seem to fade) I woke up this morning and started thinking of all the things that I have left to do and clean. It kinda put me in a panic but I know it will all work out. Keep us in your prayers as we are getting close!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Lucy!

Fanning the smoke from the 21 candles
the family

mamaw's homemade cake...love it!

the birthday girl!

My sister turned 21 on July 6. I am a little late posting pictures, but these are the ones that I got at my mamaw's behind the table that we have been taking pictures behind for as long as I can remember!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Last Friday Richy had to say goodbye to a great friend! Well.....not exactly a friend, but one of his favorite toys! This was Richy's rhino that he loved to ride. It would go through mud and climb rocks and do all kinds of crazy manly things! (I only rode it once because I feared my life when riding.) He decided that he didn't get to ride as often as he liked and if he sold it it would be a payment we could eliminate. I know that most of the ladies have no clue what this is or care anything about it but I figured I should say farewell to Richy's favorite toy! So..goodbye RHINO!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Camping...Mini Redneck Vacation!

Me in the pool :)
the camper

my mom


My mom had a few days off and since I was told not to travel in the month of July we decided to have a mini vacation at Chester Frost Park! My grandfather has a nice camper and we have used it many times and every time we camp there are times where I think...really...are we that redneck! One of those times during this trip was when I was sitting in a blowup swimming pool..alone... and in front of a huge camper. It was so hot out and at this point the only way I enjoy being outside is to be in the water, and since I refuse to get in the lake while I am pregnant, the only other option was the blow up pool. It may have looked pretty funny but I stayed cool and worked on my tan!

Luke's Finished Room

The view when entering the room
Canvas art that matches bedding
the changing table

The bed view like before...except this time I have the name hung! (it is a side view so the name looks crooked!)

I finally completely finished Luke's room. This included hanging art on the wall, hanging his name on the wall, and hanging the changing caddy on the wall. I also took several things out of his room that he will not be needing for several months. Now all we need is LUKE!

Monday, July 13, 2009

34 Weeks 2 Days Appt.

Today I went to the doctor. It was a very fast trip and everything is still going well. The appointment went as follows......

First...Weight ( not sharing that with you)

Second...Blood Pressure (120/68)

Next.....Luke's heartbeat (140's)

Last...Q& A Time...I didn't really have any questions for Dr. Childs this week however, when he asked how I was doing I told him my back was hurting a lot. He told me to stand up and he showed me how Richy could stretch my back for me.He lifted me up and my back popped so many times (who knew my OB was also a Chiropractor). I felt 100% better for a while. Sadly, that only lasted a couple of hours and it started to hurt again. On the plus side I can have Richy do what Dr. Childs did and hopefully I will be much better! I go back in 2 weeks and they will do my Group B Step Test and we will have an ultrasound to see how big the baby is. Time is flying by! It won't be much longer!

Oh..I almost forgot! Luke's room is completely finished! YAY! I will post pictures soon!