? ??????????????It's A Boy (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??3 Grabs Today. 1414 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Baby Phat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 2425 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I have been thinking about registering for a week now, but I couldn't decided when. I am a little crazy when it comes to things like this because I feel like I should be super prepared and not go into something like this without doing some kind of research or preparations. Wednesday after my doctors appt. I decided that I would go to Babies R Us and scope out the place that way we could come back on Saturday and be ready (I am SO glad I did this). I told Richy to be ready to go around 2:00 on Saturday. He picked me up on time and we headed to grab a bite to eat and then onto our big adventure for the day. We decided to eat at Bonefish Grill. I was not impressed... frankly I had the worst taste in my mouth for the rest of the day...that's a whole other story. After we ate we headed to Babies R Us. We got all the logistics taken care of and we were off on our journey of deciding what we would need to take care of our child. I am so glad that I had already scoped somethings out because it was VERY crowded and could have been a little over whelming. We went up and down all the aisles clicking away. It took us about and hour and half total which was half the time I was told it could take, so I was very thankful. We were excited while we were there to see a friend of ours that just had a baby and she gave us some pointers. After leaving Babies R Us Richy and I were still in really good moods and in baby mode so we headed to Children's Fair on Lee Hwy. Here we picked out the bed, dresser/changing table, mattress, and the bedding (the picture is the bedding that we have chosen). We did this in a quick 30 minutes and put it all on Lay A Way! We were on a roll! I was so excited to make some big decisions. I normally can make decisions but lately I cannot decide anything so this was a huge weight lifted. We were really in baby mode now so I bravely asked Richy if we could go to Target and register while we were at it and to my surprise he said sure. When got icees at Target and then started out journey. This took half the time because all the big decisions were made at Babies R Us. We wanted to leave some of the smaller more common items for people (like my mother) who do not like to drive across the river.
I have read over all the lists and I think we did a pretty good job. I think the only mishap is a pink shopping cart cover that I need to delete and choose a boy themed. I know the one I scanned was boy themed so I don't know how that happened....oh and there is a George Foreman grill on our Target registry... I have no idea how it got there because we only went to baby stuff, so I have to go back and change some things around. All in all it was an awesome day and can't wait to have all his stuff here and "play" with it!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

22 Weeks 3 Days

Yesterday we went to see Dr. Childs for a check up. It was a pretty uneventful appointment. We heard Luke's heartbeat, the nurse was the one that checked she said it was between 140 and 150. I had a minor break down after I saw how much weight I gained since my last appt. 4 weeks ago. Dr. Childs just laughed and told me not to cry (because I was...dang pregnancy hormones) and that I am healthy and I am fine. He kept telling me not to worry and that I was 22 weeks pregnant...and did I think I wouldn't gain weight. So after Richy and Dr.Childs both calmed me down I was much better. I talked to him about some trouble I was having with my allergies and he called in a prescription and hopefully I won't have to deal with it anymore. Richy was excited about that too because he says I sound horrible when I sleep and eat because I can't breathe. Luke is great and is moving ALL the time. I feel him so many times a day and I love every time! I can tell he is growing because those soft little taps have turned into pretty strong kicks. Yesterday I felt him a little higher than I have been so that was fun. I feel very blessed everyday to have a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy. I can honestly say that I love being pregnant and everyday is such a fun adventure.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Baby Name

After the last two post I realized that I was calling the baby by the name we have chosen but I have failed to post what it is to let everyone know for sure. We have decided to name the baby Luke. We love the name Luke and that won't change. We think the full name may be Luke Preston Wilkerson. I like Preston but I am not sure I love it. So the middle name is still up in the air. I read baby name books and googled baby names and we could not agree and we came across the name Luke. I said it out loud to Richy and he said he liked it and it has just stuck. I am glad that we have decided because I like that I can call him his name and I can start getting things ready for him.


My sisters and I (we have taken pictures in front of this spot since we were born!)
Richy and I

Richy Roo

Courtney and I

This Easter was a very nice time with family. We went to church and I had nursery duty. Courtney was in town and came in the nursery with me. I really had a great time with the babies and catching up with my friend. After church we went to mamaw and papaw Christian's for a traditional Easter dinner. The food was so yummy! After lunch we had a birthday party for Richy and my cousins daughter Serinity. After the parties we had an egg hunt with the kids. It was so fun to watch. I can't wait til I can help Luke with this tradition. After the hunt we came home and Richy's parents came over to visit and see the renovations on our house. We always have a great time catching up. That evening we went to mom and Kel's to visit. While we were there we decided to play wiffle ball with Lindsay and her boyfriend Taylor. Before it was all said and done it was Lindsay, mom, and I against Richy, Taylor, and Kel. I laughed until I cried so many times! It was a great time! I love spending time with family!

Inspire Luncheon

Mom and I on stage
Katie, Lindsay, and I with Phil Stacey

Katie and I...I look huge in this picture!

Every April for the past 6 years I have had the privileged of attending a luncheon for the Mary Ellen Locker Foundation. I look forward to this Sunday all year. The Mary Ellen Locker Foundation was established by Mary Ellen Locker Byrd. MEL use to be an anchor woman in Chattanooga, however, that was one of her many jobs. MEL was diagnosed with cancer and instead of sitting back and letting it overcome her she decided that she had to do something to help all women impacted by breast cancer. She started the Children of Breast Cancer foundation which later was rename the Mary Ellen Locker foundation. MEL started the foundation to help those impacted by this horrible disease and also because she wanted to make sure her son Alex would be taken care of. MEL passed away but her legacy lives on and her foundation grows larger every year. The MEL foundation has helped so many go to college and accomplish their dreams. I feel so blessed to have been one of the recipients. I believe that if it had not been for the MEL foundation that I might not have accomplished my dream of being a teacher. The foundation has also helped my sister and sister in law in their college endeavors. I truly owe more thanks than I can give to the MEL foundation and all that are involved. Every year they have a luncheon where they hand out scholarships and raise money. This year I had the opportunity to say a few words during the event. My job was to say a few words about how I have been impacted by the foundation and then ask for people to leave a donation on their table. Before I was about to walk on the stage I was presented with an awesome gift basket. It was all boy themed and had so many amazing things inside. It had onesies, blankets, a little care package, and a Babies R us gift card. The foundation has already given me so much and now they acknowledge my baby. It was so exciting and I am so thankful! Every year they have great entertainment. One year it was Barbara Dooley the wife of Vince Dooley who is a well know football coach, Rhonda Rich who is a hilarious southern author, and Randy Owen from the group Alabama performed one year. This year Phil Stacey from American Idol performed. He did a great job and really seemed to be glad to be working with the foundation. He has decided to make the MEL foundation the main charity that he supports. I had the opportunity to have my picture taken with him and he seemed like a pretty cool guy. Every year I have a great time and this year was no exception! I can't wait til next year and take Luke to this awesome event!