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Monday, May 25, 2009

26 Week Visit

We went to see Dr. Childs on Wednesday May 20. I was 26 weeks 3 days it has just taken some time for me to post! The visit went very well and they always seem really short. This time however I had several questions that I had been saving in my head so we talked for some time. I go back the 1st of June which will only be two weeks from my last visit. We get an ultrasound this time so I am so excited to see how big he is. We also made an appointment for a 3D ultrasound. It is a little expensive but I just want to see him so bad!We also signed up for our prenatal class. We were very productive at this visit!

Pregnancy Updates: I have had some reflux and heart burn, so Dr. Child's gave me something that will help with that. So far it hasn't really worked but I haven't been taking it that long. Luke is moving all the time. It is so fun. I find myself being so distracted by it. I love that he is getting bigger and every movement feels different. I don't think he is big enough to guess what body part I am feeling but he is getting close. We have the bedding out of layaway and have bought paint, so we will see when we get around to painting it. I also had a shower at work and got lots of great things from all the wonderful people I work with. I can't believe how fast this is going and I am loving every minute of it!


V-n-J said...

Enjoy every moment of it cos it really does go by too fast, esp now that your visits are every 2wks! Even though I love having Ria with us, I miss feeling her move inside me - sounds crazy but its true! Sorry about the heartburn and reflux ... just one of those 'joys' of pregnancy!

kathy said...

So thankful for a healthy pregnancy. That 3-D ultrasound is so cool....can't wait to see it! You guys are so sweet and you're gonna be great parents! We love you guys!!

Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

I can't wait to see you this weekend! I am glad you had a great appointment and that Dr. Childs answered all your questions! I just love him. Its so cool to feel them kick, almost like an alien in your belly. Hopefully your medicine will work, maybe it just means Luke is going to have tons of hair!

CaseyPike said...

I can't wait to see your 3D ultrasound pictures! That is going to be so cool!!!