? ??????????????It's A Boy (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??3 Grabs Today. 1414 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Baby Phat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 2425 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Now that Richy is home I can talk about this....Richy was gone for a week hunting the mighty deer. He was in Faith, South Dakota in 47 inches of snow. I missed him like crazy and i am so glad he is home. I didnt mention he was gone before because I am always scared someone will read my blog and then try to come get me. :) I also need to say that when I returned to work from my one sick day my room was not how I keep it but it was no where near what I thought it was going to look like. My kids on the other hand must be eating left over Halloween candy everyday before school. They are crazy! I thought I would just do a quick update and i will try and post some of Richy's pictures of the snow soon.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"The Five"

Tagged again :)

Ten Years Ago I:
1. I was in 7th grade at Soddy Daisy Middle School.
2. My parents had just bought a new house so I was enjoying living in a neighborhood for the first time.
3. It was my first year in youth group because my church still thought 6th grade was elementary.
4. I was passing notes and talking about boys.
5. That summer I met Richy at a pool party. He was really mean and I never thought a little over 8 years later I would be his wife.

Five Things on my to Do List:
1. lesson plan
2. clean house
3. clean house
4.clean out my car
5. get my oil changed in my car

Five Snacks That I Enjoy:
1. cheese balls
2. Cheetos
3. chocolate chip ice cream
4. grapes
5. diet dr. pepper ( i know this is a drink but many times it is a snack for me too)

Five Things That I Would Do If I Were a Millionaire
1. pay off all our bills
2. adopt a Honduran Orphan
3. Mission work
4. travel
5. buy Richy a farm with lots of land

Five Places That I Have Lived:
1. Soddy Daisy

Five Jobs That I Have Had:
1. Office Assistant at Pannell Mechanical (high school)
2. Hamilton County SACC assistant (college)
3. Army Corps of Engineers at Chickamauga Lock student clerk (college)
4. Wilkerson Tile Co. office manager
5. Rivermont Elementary kindergarten teacher

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sick Day....

Today I took my first sick day as a teacher. I have been dealing with bad allergies since this summer. I went to the doctor in July I was given medicine and told to come back in three weeks. During that three weeks I got a new job and could not take off. So..four months later I am still sneezing, sniffling, coughing, and scratching my eyes. I finally woke up this morning and said enough. I went online and put in for a sub, emailed my lesson plans, and called the doctor. I in fact do have allergies and have to take two pills a day for the next four weeks. At four weeks he will see if he can take me off one, but I may be one of those people that has to take something everyday to control the symptons...Anyways...I write all that to say I AM TERRIFIED TO SEE WHAT MY CLASS WILL BE LIKE ON THURSDAY. The main reason I have waited til now to take off is I pride myself in my super clean and organized classroom and I fear that when I return tomorrow it will be a mess. I have seen what happens when subs are in classrooms and I fear that happening in my room. I will post later to update on what it looks like. Pray that they were able to do some work and I won't have to spend the next three weeks recovering.

p.s. Hamilton County so graciously gave a 1% raise. (10 whole dollars added to a paycheck!) and a bonus! Yay!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

7 Things About Me

1. I love my job! I LOVE IT! I get excited about going I find complete joy it what I do everyday!

2. My favorite sandwich is a meatball sub from Subway. I could eat one everyday. I like it with Italian herb and cheese bread, mozzarella cheese, and meatballs. They are so warm and yummy.

3. I am an ink pen collector. At any given time I probably have at least 5 pens in my purse. I normally carry my pen bag and that probably has thirty in it. My favorite kind is a needle point...dork I know!

4. I talk to my cat like he is a real person. I tell him what I am doing and I ask him questions. I took a class once on oral language and I learned the more your talk to children the more they will talk to you... I guess I am just practicing with my cat.

5. I am really lazy. I love to lay on the couch and indulge in hours of reality TV. I don't get to do this very often but when i do I take complete advantage of it!

6. My favorite colors are black and white. I love black and white. They aren't even really colors but when I buy clothes, things for my house, or anything I go for black and white.

7. When I sleep, I sleep with my hand on my chin. I can't really describe it but I put my thumb on one cheek and my pointer finger on the other and rest the part in between on my chin. I have been made fun of several times for my sleeping position but I can't go to sleep til I am in that position.

I tag Brittney B.