? ??????????????It's A Boy (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??3 Grabs Today. 1414 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Baby Phat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 2425 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Today we went for our 18 week 3 day visit. We found out that our baby is a....BOY! Most importantly our baby is very healthy and all the growth that they look for at this point was right on track and everything looked great! It was so funny because Richy and I thought that this baby was a girl. We just knew that we would have a girl, so she said boy we were both in shock. I am still in shock, but I am so excited about my little boy. I think that the fact that I am going to have a baby was finally real today, and I think that is what I am in shock about. We invited our parents to the ultrasound so including Richy and I there were 8 people in the room. I battled with this decision because a lot of people said to let this time be about Richy and I, but in my heart I wanted our parents to be there. This was the best decision I could have made. It was great watching 6 grandparents stare at my baby and already be so in love. I felt so blessed...I had my amazing husband whom truly has been more to me in this time than I could have ever asked for, my mom and dad with my amazing stepparents in the same room (this always makes me emotional), and my in laws who have treated me like their own and every time I am with them make me feel more loved. The icing on the cake was looking at my baby boy. The lord has entrusted me to be the mom of this wiggly, chubby cheeked (the nurse said he had fat cheeks), perfect little boy. I can't think of what I have done to deserve all that the lord has given me but I praise him and thank him for all he has done. He is truly amazing!

After the appt. Richy and I ate at Cracker Barrel. I am kinda on a Cracker Barrel kick so anytime I can get over that way I take the chance to eat there. It was delicious as ever. Next we stopped at Children's Fair. Richy and I walked around and got an idea of what we are looking for as far as bedroom furniture and bedding. I found out that Richy and I still have different taste in everything (but thats ok...we compliment each other) because we both like different things. I am not going to stress about it because I know we have some time. Today was truly a gift from God and I am so thankful!

p.s. I have been feeling the baby move....a lot. At first I didn't know what it was. After today however, I know that same feeling that I feel over and over is my wiggly baby BOY!

As soon as I scan my ultrasound pics in I will post them.


Anonymous said...

This is so exciting! I'm SO happy for you guys. And you will be great parents to that precious baby boy! He is gonna be so cute. I can't wait to see those chubby cheeks. Love you three!

Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

Yay! I am so excited for you! This is so neat that you and Richy are embarking on this crazy journey called parenthood. You guys are going to be great parents.

Claire said...

Congratulations to you both. I can't wait to hear some of your name ideas. Just don't call him, "Little Richard."

kathy said...

Hey Richy and Brittany....we are so excited and happy for you guys! I loved your blog....so sweet and was such a blessing to read! This little boy has already made such a difference in your lives....it'll just get better! Can't wait for him to get here! We love you both and are very proud of you!

Craig, Meredith, and Knox said...

Craig and I are so happy for ALL of you. You both are going to be great parents and can't wait to keep hearing all the upcoming details. Make sure you keep updating your blog so we can hear everything. Love you both!!

The Sandefurs said...

Yeah! I am so excited! I told Richy that I think God is using my little cuddly Carson (who cried to come to me when I took him from Richy yesterday!) to help get him used to the idea of a boy. He has such reservation about having a son, yet I told him that he will be a great dad and his son will turn out fine. He will be such a blessing to you!

And I'm excited that you can use your maiden name as part of his name! Ha!!

Lindsay Adkins said...

congratulations!!! Boys are so much fun :)