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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Six Random Facts About Me

I was tagged by Brittney B. and Lydia F.

1. I am very lazy! It is probably one of my not so great qualities but it is the truth. I love to lay on the couch and watch TV. In the past three weeks I have had a lot of time off and I have taken full advantage of laying around. I know that this time is short and soon I will not be able to enjoy this luxury so I am taking full advantage while I can.

2. I love my job. I don't think that I have had one morning where I did not want to go to work. There are some days that it is stressful, hard, and emotional but I truly love what I do. I can't imagine doing anything else.

3.I love salty foods. I like sweets, but I will take a bag of chips over a cake any day. I really like to get plain ruffles and dip them into sour cream. It is so yummy! ( I often like to do this while I am enjoying the #1 random fact about me)

4. I love spending time with my family. Moms, dads, sisters, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, the whole crew! I love it! I could honestly spend everyday with them. We have our disagreements and we are all very different but when we are together I love it! Actually my dad's parents have a lunch every other Sunday and have been doing this since I was 6. This gathering includes my mamaw, papaw, dad, Lori, Heather, my aunt, uncle, and depending on the day 5 or so cousins. I don't make it to all of them but I do attend most. I love that time and it never seems long enough!

5.I am probably one of the biggest FRIENDS fans you will ever meet. I have all ten seasons and have watched every episode at least 5 times. Most episodes I have seen WAY more than that! Every thing in life I relate back to FRIENDS and at any give moment I could probably quote a line from FRIENDS that goes along with the conversation I might be having. I have also hooked Richy. We have gone through all ten season once together and now we are making our way back around. We love it and there are many nights we come home, crawl in bed, and watch at least 3 or 4 episodes.

6. I think I have said this one before..but I am an ink pen collector. I have an obsession. I have favorites but I love all kinds. I actually have a pen bag. The bad is monogrammed and only holds a small amount of the ones I own. I know that it is the teacher in me but I love them. I never miss a stroll down the ink pen aisle at any store!

I think everyone has been tagged....but it you are reading this and you haven't been, then I tag you!