? ??????????????It's A Boy (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??3 Grabs Today. 1414 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Baby Phat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 2425 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Six Random Facts About Me

I was tagged by Brittney B. and Lydia F.

1. I am very lazy! It is probably one of my not so great qualities but it is the truth. I love to lay on the couch and watch TV. In the past three weeks I have had a lot of time off and I have taken full advantage of laying around. I know that this time is short and soon I will not be able to enjoy this luxury so I am taking full advantage while I can.

2. I love my job. I don't think that I have had one morning where I did not want to go to work. There are some days that it is stressful, hard, and emotional but I truly love what I do. I can't imagine doing anything else.

3.I love salty foods. I like sweets, but I will take a bag of chips over a cake any day. I really like to get plain ruffles and dip them into sour cream. It is so yummy! ( I often like to do this while I am enjoying the #1 random fact about me)

4. I love spending time with my family. Moms, dads, sisters, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, the whole crew! I love it! I could honestly spend everyday with them. We have our disagreements and we are all very different but when we are together I love it! Actually my dad's parents have a lunch every other Sunday and have been doing this since I was 6. This gathering includes my mamaw, papaw, dad, Lori, Heather, my aunt, uncle, and depending on the day 5 or so cousins. I don't make it to all of them but I do attend most. I love that time and it never seems long enough!

5.I am probably one of the biggest FRIENDS fans you will ever meet. I have all ten seasons and have watched every episode at least 5 times. Most episodes I have seen WAY more than that! Every thing in life I relate back to FRIENDS and at any give moment I could probably quote a line from FRIENDS that goes along with the conversation I might be having. I have also hooked Richy. We have gone through all ten season once together and now we are making our way back around. We love it and there are many nights we come home, crawl in bed, and watch at least 3 or 4 episodes.

6. I think I have said this one before..but I am an ink pen collector. I have an obsession. I have favorites but I love all kinds. I actually have a pen bag. The bad is monogrammed and only holds a small amount of the ones I own. I know that it is the teacher in me but I love them. I never miss a stroll down the ink pen aisle at any store!

I think everyone has been tagged....but it you are reading this and you haven't been, then I tag you!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Coming Soon August 2009

As many of you may know and some may not, Richy and I are expecting our first child this summer. My due date is August 23, 2009. We found out that I was pregnant on December 17, 2008. It had been about 57 days since my last period and I knew something wasn't right. Two weeks before I had taken a pregnancy test and it was negative so I didn't think I was pregnant. So Wednesday night I was at Wal-Mart with my sister and the pregnant thought re entered my mind and I said, " would it be silly if I bought another test?" Her reply was, "no why else would you not have period." So I bought a two pack and went home to take the test. Immediately after urinating on the stick it read pregnant. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. So I drank a bottle of water and an hour later I repeated the process and it too read the beautiful word...pregnant. The next morning I called the doctor and that afternoon I went in for blood work. I was called back the next day to be told indeed I was pregnant and everything looked good. I went in the following Monday and gave more blood to ensure my levels were good and they were. That weekend we told our families and after that the news traveled fast. We enjoyed Christmas and New Years. I enjoyed a very relaxing trip to Augusta to visit Courtney and finished enjoying my time off from work. On January 6 we went for our first visit. It was a three hour visit. I gave them lots of blood. We chatted with Kay the nurse practitioner at my OB and we saw our baby for the first time. It was amazing watching something so small. The ultrasound was reading me to be only 7weeks 5 days and if calculated from the first date of my last period (Oct. 20) I should have been 11 weeks. So we had to return for another ultrasound today (Jan. 20). This ultrasound was a lot better and we could see arms, legs, the head,and we heard the heart beat. It once again amazed me. Richy was so excited he didn't know which screen to look at. It was very funny. The ultrasound tech made the comment that she hadn't seen a dad so excited in a long time. It was so amazing to see our little olive (that's what size it is this week) waving its little arms and legs at us. The ultrasound did reveal that I am 9weeks 2 days and my due date is August 23. We found out really early and my mom keeps saying..it is going to be a long year, but I am excited and taking in everyday because I know it won't be long.

Richy and I are very excited and we are just asking for your prayers during this time. This is a big responsibility that God is entrusting us with and we are asking anyone that will to pray for guidance, a healthy pregnancy, and a healthy baby. Thanks and we love you all!