? ??????????????It's A Boy (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??3 Grabs Today. 1414 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Baby Phat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 2425 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Fall Weekend

This weekend was very relaxing. Saturday I laid around the house and relaxed. Then we spend the evening at my parents house. This was very relaxing and was like old times. Richy and I have been so busy and have not spend very much time with our families. It was great to be at my old home and relax with people I love. Sunday we went to church and it was a great service. My sister has been visiting with us and I love that time with her. I love my church but the hardest thing is going without my family. All my life I have gone to church with my whole family and these past few years without them has been different. This makes it all the better having her there now. She is a great sister and I pray that The Ministry Center is where she starts to call home. After church we went to eat with Richy's family. It was great spending time with them at our favorite restaurant..Ichiban. We ended our day playing six holes of golf (one which I made par...the others not so much) and bowling three games with our college and career. This was a great weekend and I am so excited fall is upon us!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

An Update on the Wilkerson's

I have found myself busier than I have ever been and Richy is experiencing the same. Although I feel busy and that there is not enough time in a day I still find complete joy in what I do. I have to say that there have been several crazy moments in the past six weeks but I have yet to think that I would want to be somewhere else doing something else. I LOVE BEING A TEACHER! I don't have enough time or energy to tell all my crazy stories but trust me I have many, but I will say that with a class of 20 (yes I lost three....bitter sweet...I love the new number but I miss them) 5 year old boys and girls there is never a dull moment and their innocence never ceases to amaze me. I will also say that my school has children that in some cases come from homes that I can't even fathom having to live in. Every day I find myself thanking the lord for the blessings he has bestowed in my life and praying that he bring my precious children back safely the next day. I will tell one quick story.... yesterday one of my little boys who at times can be a handful started complaining of his feet hurting. I sat him down and looked at his feet to notice that the shoes he is wearing are so small that the thread at the toe is popping open and his toes is about to be exposed. I said honey your feet hurt because your shoes are just a little to small. He then replied, " Every time I get spider man shoes they hurt my feet." All he wanted was some spider man shoes and the only ones he could have were way to small, but that was OK to him because they were spider man shoes. So I am on a mission for some spider man shoes for this little boy! I love being a teacher!

On a much different note: Richy and I are continuing our golf lessons every Wednesday at 5. I love it more and more every time I play and I find myself turning the TV on and going straight to channel 36...the golf channel. I had a lesson on Wednesday and my instructor (Mike) took me onto the course to play a few holes. On one hole I managed to make par (this is when you make it in the hole in the allotted amount of strokes). I was so excited and glad that Mike was there to see it happen ( I am a teacher and I want to impress my teacher!). I have also found this time with Richy to be my favorite time. We laugh, we joke, and we help each other out. I think that this hobby that we have taken on has really brought us closer!